What is the future we want to shape for ourselves and our daughters?
Senator Britt’s Kitchen-Based Counterpoint to Biden’s Address
What the hell am I watching right now? … Caught up in the unfolding before me on the monitor, I found myself questioning the reality of the scene. And yet there she was …. sitting quietly in her kitchen, her voice soft and innocent, almost childlike.
In the United States yesterday, the Republicans selected Senator Katie Britt from Alabama to deliver a counterpoint to President Biden’s State of the Union address.
Dubbed as “America’s Mom,” Britt chose an unconventional setting for this pivotal moment in her career - her very own kitchen. This single act, seemingly simple yet profoundly symbolic, speaks volumes about the perception of women’s roles within the conservative sphere of American society.
Unsurprisingly, the speech’s content was as anticipated, I didn’t expect anything different.
However, as a woman who has been fighting all her life to get women out of their kitchens, I find the setting deeply troubling & outright offensive.
It’s a stark reminder of a bygone era, threatening to catapult American women back several decades.
With the elections on the horizon, American women are faced with a crucial question: ‘What is the future we want to shape for ourselves and our daughters?’