I have to confess i have tendencies towards misandry..... not that I hate men ( happily married for 37 years to a wonderful man) with many male friends that i love and respect and have had long term friendships with, but i find that most men (over 50%) are emotionally immature. Unwilling or unable to have a cooperative, collaborative, partnership with others that are equitable and sourced with a sense of reciprocity and mutual care and equality.
Human society has been living under the leash of religious and economic patriarchal supremacy for at least 4000 years. Women have been enslaved, raped, forced into submission, and kept from achieving all that they can and want to create and bring forth into the world for all these many generations, this usurpation of female personal sovereignty continues to this day across this entire globe. there is no society that does not in some way attempt to diminish the empowerment of non hetero males within their society.
men will say that they (males) must protect women thus their supremacy and control, but the truth is the only ones they may be protecting women from are other men..... so to me this whole systemic injustice we continue to live under is CRIMINAL!!!!!! women victimized because men are fearful of other men.... fix the other men instead of blaming the victims.... geeeeeeeez.
I believe that men should get the hell out of the way of the rest of society as a whole, if you can not live respectfully and in harmony with the 'other' than it is time to move to some remote empty region where you can figure out that you actually miss and need other people to live a good life of heart, creativity, harmony and joy...... or not and leave us alone.
The 'supremacy of the male human' in society is the biggest and most destructive lie ( besides the ludicrous one about infants being born with 'original sin' because they came out of a WOMANS WOMB..... refrickindickulous!!!! and of course the foolish thought that the divine creator is masculine....... i mean really what creative life comes out of a mans body??????
Do you know that the first penis didn't even show up in the evolutionary process on Earth until the age of reptiles, 200mya? that's 3.3 billion years of evolution that was Female or asexual. why the dick swingers think they have so much to crow about is beyond my understanding.
kind of a rant but at my age i no longer care if i piss people off...... get over your self....
I have to confess i have tendencies towards misandry..... not that I hate men ( happily married for 37 years to a wonderful man) with many male friends that i love and respect and have had long term friendships with, but i find that most men (over 50%) are emotionally immature. Unwilling or unable to have a cooperative, collaborative, partnership with others that are equitable and sourced with a sense of reciprocity and mutual care and equality.
Human society has been living under the leash of religious and economic patriarchal supremacy for at least 4000 years. Women have been enslaved, raped, forced into submission, and kept from achieving all that they can and want to create and bring forth into the world for all these many generations, this usurpation of female personal sovereignty continues to this day across this entire globe. there is no society that does not in some way attempt to diminish the empowerment of non hetero males within their society.
men will say that they (males) must protect women thus their supremacy and control, but the truth is the only ones they may be protecting women from are other men..... so to me this whole systemic injustice we continue to live under is CRIMINAL!!!!!! women victimized because men are fearful of other men.... fix the other men instead of blaming the victims.... geeeeeeeez.
I believe that men should get the hell out of the way of the rest of society as a whole, if you can not live respectfully and in harmony with the 'other' than it is time to move to some remote empty region where you can figure out that you actually miss and need other people to live a good life of heart, creativity, harmony and joy...... or not and leave us alone.
The 'supremacy of the male human' in society is the biggest and most destructive lie ( besides the ludicrous one about infants being born with 'original sin' because they came out of a WOMANS WOMB..... refrickindickulous!!!! and of course the foolish thought that the divine creator is masculine....... i mean really what creative life comes out of a mans body??????
Do you know that the first penis didn't even show up in the evolutionary process on Earth until the age of reptiles, 200mya? that's 3.3 billion years of evolution that was Female or asexual. why the dick swingers think they have so much to crow about is beyond my understanding.
kind of a rant but at my age i no longer care if i piss people off...... get over your self....